Make sure everyone knows how to find your grad party by using this set of 6 Goodbye High School, Hello College outdoor yard arrows. Grad party direction yard signs are waterproof and weather resistant for extended outdoor display or weekend use in any weather. Placed at corners and main roads, these directional signs are printed on both sides and certainly will be appreciated by guests arriving from out-of-town. Simply insert two heavy-duty stakes into each graduation yard ornament and press into the ground to display. If displayed outdoors, yard sign rules and regulations vary from city and state, we recommend checking your local guidelines.
Goodbye High School, Hello College - Arrow Graduation Party Direction Signs:
- Set of 6 Reusable Directional Arrows
- 12 Tall Stakes
- Professionally Printed Double-Sided on Waterproof, Weather Resistant Corrugated Plastic
- Each Arrow Sign Measures 23” Wide and 7.5” Tall
Tips for Displaying Yard Sign:
- Choose the placement of the sign in your outdoor space before staking it into the ground to ensure proper placement.
- We provide 2 stakes per cut-out and highly recommend using them to keep the sign facing your preferred direction.
Yard sign rules and regulations vary from city and state, we recommend checking your local guidelines.